
Every Day in Gangster's Paradise

"As a general rule, if you believe *everything*  your political party says, you are an idiot." - Elon Musk "The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics." - Thomas Sowell. "The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." -  Ronald Reagan. "Everyone has a price, the important thing is to find out what it is." -  Pablo Escobar. Voting is basically an act of deciding who you want to give the power to exercise the government's monopoly on violence. Remember, this violence must be directed at someone, in some cases it might be directed back at you. In a democracy, you vote and regret. The major party politicians are all of different characters. From communists, capitalists, liberals, social democrats, tribalists, white supremacists, pan-Africanists

Paying the Price: Unleashing Your Exponential Potential

It Will Take Whatever It Wants. The price is always different, mainly because of our virtues, cultures, DNA, religions, and simple basic behaviours. For example, what it cost me to get a BIng didn't cost some of my mates/peers. Those who were in a class with me knew there was a guy who used to come to class with a blue cooler box full of goodies. He was the best 1st year Engineering student, and I think he later got the degree with Cum Laude. Me! I had a lot of non-school-related issues to manage, e.g., cooking, making new friends, and other village-to-city adaptations. But in the end, we all got BIng degrees after paying incurring different costs. To get where you want to go, it will cost you whatever it wants. You have to pay the price that is on your quote/bill. We are all dealt different hands by nature. It is just that it tends to take more than you initially imagined, and even more the older we get. There's just too much stuff to lose as we become risk-averse. Changing co

No Time To Think

Too Busy to Create Thinking Time Let's start with a hard fact. If you don't think and choose to be ignorant, you will be misinformed and miseducated. You will learn things that add no value to your life.   This monologue is some sort of an extension of a social aspect of the " Never stop learning " monologue. Learning requires one to be humble and have humility. This is the basis of a thinking mind. If you refuse to learn or be corrected without being offended, you will be ignorant of your ignorance and this may make you an angry and violent person, and every question posed to you will sound like a personal attack. This definitely impedes any form of thinking.   Thinking is a special quality that humans have exploited for millennia. Given our weak physical qualities when compared to other beasts, no wonder we had a very low life expectancy of less than 30 years. Our capacity to think (Outside the box) has made us special, including enhancing our ability to strike from